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course JAVA (Core)

JAVA (Core) | | SSP Computer Institute Near Me at Dhaka,Motihari-Bihar | SSP CorporatioN
Courses Information
Duration : 2 Months
Elegiable : 10+2
  • Fundamental

  • Introduction to Java

    Evolution of Java

    Object-Oriented Programming Structure

    Client-side Programming & its requirements

    Platform Independence & Portability


    Relation b/w JVM, JRE and JDK

    Description of a Simple Java Program

    Introduction to JAR format

    Naming Conventions


    OOPs Implementation

    Classes and Objects Defining attributes and methods

    Implementing data encapsulation

    Relation b/w objects and reference variables

    Constructors and Anonymous block

    Static Data members, Block & methods

    Understanding Memory structure



    Class & Method area

    Understanding Class loading & Execution flow

    Static vs Dynamic class loading

    Implicit vs Explicit class loading

    The sequence of operations performed at the time of class loading

    Argument Passing Mechanism

    Passing primitive arguments

    Passing objects

    Wrapper classes & their use

    Usage of this keyword

    Referencing instance members

    Intraclass constructor chaining

    Method chaining

    Inheritance & code reusability

    Extending classes for code reusability

    Usage of super keyword

    Method Overriding

    Object class and its role

    Inheritance & Runtime polymorphism

    Static & Dynamic binding

    Inheritance and Is-A relation

    Runtime polymorphism and generalization

    Abstract classes & methods

    final keyword

    Interfaces and Role-based Inheritance

    Difference b/w Feature & Role-based Inheritance

    Difference b/w Static & Dynamic classing Environment

    Difference b/w classes & interfaces

    Use of interfaces in real scenarios

    Implementing Has-A relation

    Difference b/w Aggregation & Composition

    Nested classes and their role

    Inner classes

    Anonymous Inner classes

    import keyword and feature of static import

    public, protected, private & default scope

    Examples of private inheritance


    String Handling

    What is String

    Immutable String

    String Comparison

    String Concatenation


    Methods of String Class





    Exception Handling

    Difference b/w exception and error

    Exception Handling & Robustness

    Common Exceptions and Errors

    try and catch block

    Exception handlers & the importance of their order

    throw keyword and its usage

    Checked and Unchecked Exceptions

    Role of finally

    Creating User-defined Exceptions


    Multithreading in Java

    Multitasking and Multithreading

    Thread based execution model of Java Applications

    Relation b/w Runnable interface and Thread class

    States of Thread

    Implementing User threads

    Thread synchronization & mutual exclusivity

    Inter Thread communication and Thread scheduling

    Understanding and using Monitor

    Thread deadlock and Interrupting Threads

    ThreadGroup and its use

    Daemon Threads and their use


    Input-Output Streams

    Streams & their advantages over conventional input-output

    Commonly used byte-oriented streams

    Commonly used character-oriented streams

    Reading & writing data from different streams

    Redirecting Standard input & output streams


    Use of transient keyword

    Scanner class



    InetAddress class and Factory Design Pattern

    Understanding socket and port

    TCP/IP based networking using Socket & Server Socket

    UDP based networking using DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket

    HTTP based networking using URL and URLConnection



    Understanding object representation of classes Loading classes dynamically

    Instantiating classes indirectly

    Obtaining information of classes dynamically

    Invoking methods indirectly


    Collection Framework

    Role and Importance of Collection Framework

    Use of List & Set based collection

    Use of Iterator & ListIterator

    Use of Maps

    Searching elements in List, Hash and Tree-based collections

    Role of equals and hashCode() methods

    Role of Comparable and Comparator interfaces

    Thread safety and Vector

    Difference b/w Enumeration and Iterator


    Database Connectivity Using JDBC 4.x

    Overview of native and ODBC Drivers

    Introduction to JDBC

    Type of JDBC drivers

    Using different types of drivers

    Defining properties based Connection Factory

    Performing basic database operations

    Insert, Delete, Update and Select


    Difference b/w Statement & PreparedStatement

    Setting Query parameters

    Executing Queries


    Creating Callable statements

    Batch Updation

    Transacting queries

    Programmatic initialization of Database

    Scrollable & Updatable Resultset



    Connection Pooling and DataSource Implementation of DAO design pattern

    Why Join SSP Computer Institute ( एसएसपी कंप्यूटर संस्थान से क्यों जुड़ें? )
    • Recognized Institute by the Government of India.( भारत सरकार द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त संस्थान।)
    • An ISO 9001-2015 Certified Institution.( ISO 9001-2015 प्रमाणित संस्थान। )
    • All the Certificates and Diplomas are valid in Govt. & Pvt. Sector.( सभी सर्टिफिकेट और डिप्लोमा सरकारी और निजी क्षेत्र में मान्य हैं। )
    • Fully Animated Smart Classes(by SmartBoard) ( पूर्णतः एनिमेटेड स्मार्ट क्लासेस (स्मार्ट बोर्ड द्वारा) )
    • Latest System and Programmes.( नवीनतम सिस्टम और प्रोग्राम। )
    • E-Content (हिंदी & अंग्रजी) (by Android App)
    • Experienced & skilled faculty.( अनुभवी एवं कुशल शिक्षक। )
    • One Computer for one Student.( एक छात्र के लिए एक कंप्यूटर. )
    • Extra Theory & Lab Classes.( अतिरिक्त सिद्धांत और प्रयोगशाला कक्षाएं। )
    • Extra Care & guidance for weak student.( कमजोर छात्रों के लिए अतिरिक्त देखभाल और मार्गदर्शन। )
    • 100% Job Oriented ( 100% जॉब ओरिएंटेड कोर्स )
    • Career Counselling.( कैरियर परामर्श। )
    • Placement Support.( प्लेसमेंट सहायता. )
    • Online Monthly Test ( ऑनलाइन मासिक टेस्ट )
    • Daily Quiz ( दैनिक प्रश्नोत्तरी )
    • Promotes independent learning in students ( छात्रों में स्वतंत्र शिक्षा को बढ़ावा देते है )
    • Has the potential to lower textbook and tuition prices ( इसमें पाठ्यपुस्तक और ट्यूशन की कीमतें कम करने की क्षमता है )
    • Allows teachers to create an exciting way to educate students ( शिक्षकों को छात्रों को शिक्षित करने का एक रोमांचक तरीका बनाने की अनुमति देते है )
    • Encourages development of new teaching methods ( नई शिक्षण विधियों के विकास को प्रोत्साहित करते है )
    • Prepares students for the future ( विद्यार्थियों को भविष्य के लिए तैयार करते है )
    • Instant Access to Knowledge ( ज्ञान तक त्वरित पहुंच )
    • Improve Workload ( कार्यभार में सुधार करें )
    • Save Time ( समय की बचत )

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